Apply to become a Champion: Starknet, Filecoin, Union, Axelar, NEAR, Coti, Fuse

Incentive Pools
Lava Foundation
Oct 23, 2024


Lava is a 4-sided marketplace where infrastructure Providers can offer services to Data Consumers, on any chain. It rewards contributors, called Champions, for expanding the network's coverage to new chains and services.

Champions are open-source contributors who define APIs and compute costs in a JSON-file specification ("spec"). The list of existing specs on Lava is here. Stargaze and Evmos champions were recently selected.

Eveyr month, new chains are added to Lava. Submissions are now open to become the Mainnet Champions for Starknet, Filecoin, Coti, Fuse Network and Axelar.

Champions are responsible for:

  • Writing the specification for a new chain to be supported on Lava
  • Making a proposal to Lava governance to ratify the spec
  • Maintaining the spec by adding new APIs and keeping track of updates from the chain
  • Supporting RPC providers by answering questions, providing updates and making guides

How to apply

Step 1 [YOU ARE HERE] - Submit your application for review

  • Submit a PR with your spec to
    • N.B. Several of the specs e.g. for Starknet and Filecoin, already exist so your submissions should largely focus on why you would be a good fit to maintain the spec.
  • Put your Discord username in the PR
  • Put your Lava address(es) in the spec
  • In your application, you should add your desired % commission of LAVA tokens. Lava Foundation will vote yes for your proposal and support various % commission rates based on the below:
    • +1% - support and running a Provider on testnet
    • +1% - creating a spec from scratch (inheritance is only worth 0.5% and is mandatory if possible)
    • +1% - benchmarking CU and timeouts
    • +1% - providing active support to Providers, if more than 20 providers are retained over 3 months
    • +2-3% - if an ecosystem creates an incentive pools based on your referral
  • 500 words on why you are a good fit to be the champion for this spec and chain
    • E.g. “I’m an active validator on Starknet, I contribute code, I helped on Lava testnet, this is my plan to support Lava:”

Once your application has been reviewed:

Step 2 - We will let you know if the Foundation will support your proposal to Lava governance. Of course, you are free to create a proposal without prior communication with the Foundation, and the token holders will vote.

We strongly suggest consulting with the Foundation before making your proposal on-chain.

  • You can learn how to submit a proposal here.

Deadlines to apply

Deadline for Starknet and Filecoin: 29 October 2024. Follow Lava Discord for any updates to this deadline.

  • This is because these pools should go live on 17th November.

Deadline for Union, Coti, Fuse Network, Axelar: 17 November 2024


Lava tokenomics has been designed carefully to incentivize key contributions to the network. RPC providers are paid LAVA and so are Spec Champions according to the commission rate set in the proposal.

  • Earn LAVA and other tokens from the incentives pools every time the spec is used - forever.
    • E.g. if you are the champion for NEAR RPC - you will earn LAVA and NEAR when a Provider serves NEAR RPC over Lava.
  • N.b. Champions can be replaced via governance vote.

You can learn more about rewards for Champions in our tokenomics: