RPC support for Stargaze and Evmos is now live on Lava Mainnet, powered by STARS and EVMOS incentive pools:
STARS and EVMOS incentive pools attract contributors to join Lava and provide high performance RPC for Stargaze and Evmos. This makes the onchain experience faster, more reliable and decentralized for all users and developers.
Note: Stargaze and Evmos RPC was supported by Providers on Lava Testnet before Lava Mainnet was launched.
As planned, this service will now transition to Providers on Lava Mainnet. Lava Testnet Providers are encouraged to transition to Lava Mainnet over the coming days.
Lava is a 4-sided marketplace for blockchain infrastructure:
Blockchains host incentive pools on Lava to attract and coordinate Data Providers:
1. Set up lavad and create a wallet
2. Join our Discord channels incentivized-stargaze and incentivized-evmos to keep up to date: https://discord.gg/bKkEtU6AMQ
3. Finish provider set up per Lava docs: https://docs.lavanet.xyz/chains
4. Share a tweet about joining Lava Network as a node operator for Stargaze and Evmos Mainnet and submit in contribution channel on Discord
1. Go to this open-source restaking dashboard where you can pick a provider to restake your LAVA too. This dashboard was made a community contributor, Ruslan.
2. Alternatively, you can go to https://lavanet.xyz/stakers to see restaking dashboards from partners such as Leap & StakingRewards
3. Restake your LAVA to an RPC provider
4. Share a tweet about Lava's unique delegation model and how you are contributing to Lava Network
Note: we highly recommend joining our dedicated Discord channel to stay notified of latest updates.
How much are payments?
Who earns rewards?
When are payments distributed?
How do I claim payments every month?
Are rewards in LAVA or another token?
How are rewards distributed between Stargaze and Evmos testnet and mainnet?
Any more incentive pools coming up?